Carnival of Debt Reduction – 60th Edition

The latest Carnival of Debt Reduction has been posted over at We’re In Debt and there are some nice articles this week, including my article on reducing your debt by increasing your income.

Here are a few of my favorite articles from the 60th CoDR:

  • BinaryDollar discusses 3 reasons to pay student loans slowly. This is similar to the approach that I took as I was in no hurry to pay off my student loans, although I did still end up paying them off entirely a little earlier than scheduled.
  • Do you find yourself struggling to save? Don’t think you have enough to save each month? Try the singles way to save and you might just surprise yourself.
  • Universe of Success has an article talking about the power of the mind, you are what you think, mind over matter, insert cliche here. It is amazing to see the results one can achieve when you think positively and visualize the results and achievements that you desire.

Enjoy this latest Carnival!

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2 Responses

  1. Hey thanks for the link MNC! It was a pleasant surprise. I love the look of your site btw.

    Rock and roll.


  2. mnc says:

    No problem, I really liked your article and felt it was one of the topics that I often see being discussed in various forums.

    Thanks for the kind words on the site.

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