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General – My New Choice

Category: General

Improve Your Credit Score In 5 Easy Steps! No Matter How Much Debt You Have Now 0

Want To Improve Your Credit Score?

Raise your hand if you’re in debt. You’re not alone. With the state of the economy and unemployment rates wreaking havoc on families all across the country, more and more people are struggling just...


Bar None: The BEST Money-Making Degrees

You want to maximize your time in college, of course, but you also want to make sure that once you finally get out, you’ll be able to find a job in your career area...


Learning money lessons from celebrities

It is quite common for people to look at celebrities with a tinge of envy – thinking how it would be so relaxing to never have to worry about money, earning millions of dollars...


The importance of financial planning

Guest Author: Sarah Barnett writes on a wide range of personal finance subjects, from credit cards to budgeting. If you would not take a trip to a strange place without a map, why would...


Earn more by attending these colleges

It is not what you know, but who you know. Surely you have heard that phrase once or twice before and maybe you have anecdotes that would support the meaning of the phrase. Speaking...


Christmas Classics at My New Choice

With the Christmas holiday quickly approaching, I’ve noticed that a number of previous posts here at My New Choice are still quite popular with visitors to the site. As you’re finishing your holiday shopping...


Until hidden purchases do us part

We all know the traditional wedding vows that discuss sickness and health, love and cherish, and all that other good stuff until death do us part. But there isn’t any mention of hiding purchases...


Blame childhood for financial immaturity

Why is it that some of us are like bees, good at saving money, and others are still living paycheck to paycheck even though they are well into their forties? “The child within” theory...