Credit card companies are really good at marketing and enticing people to use their various product offers, including convenience checks and cash advances. However, as many of you already know, using a cash advance...
Last night I started the process of opening an HSBCDirect Online Savings Account and things are progressing nicely. Trial Deposits. After completing the application last night, I had to wait for HSBCDirect to make...
As I previously discussed, I have had my emergency fund and savings at ING Direct even though I knew that I was losing money by not switching to HSBCDirect or EmigrantDirect. 6.00% APY Well,...
In case you have run out of investment ideas, you might want to read the article at Yahoo! Personal Finance on what the Super Bowl can teach you about investing. Gains For Dow. According...
Over at there is an article discussing a recent Senate Banking Committee hearing that is examinging credit card practices. According to the article, one consumer advocate is proposing an idea that those who...
Can you imagine paying your mortgage for 50 years? That is not something that I would ever consider, but there is an article over at discussing the availability of a 50-year mortgage. Apparently...
As I have mentioned before, this website is being run with WordPress and I just completed an upgrade to the latest version. While I know that I should have done this later at night...
As January nears an end, tax season is starting to kick into high gear as the W2’s are mailed and the 1099’s start arriving. My tax situation is relatively straight-forward and I have always...
Over the last week or two, I have found myself with an inadvertent control on my spending. Unfortunately, that control has been a very busy work schedule but it made me realize that being...
It has now been almost two months since I commented about my American Express balance transfer woes, so I thought that I would provide an update. Free Money Is Good. After getting the balance...
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