77th Carnival of Debt Reduction
This week my post discussing the I’m In Debt – MTV True Life episode has been included in the Carnival of Debt Reduction being hosted at Climbing Out of Debt.
My Favorites.
As usual, I like to read through the carnival submissions and highlight a few of my favorite posts that I think you will enjoy. This week, Climbing Out of Debt cuts his teeth by hosting his first ever carnival and I think he has done an outstanding job.
Here are a few of my favorite posts from this latest carnival:
You Can Go Out and Payoff Debt
We’re In Debt has a nice post about how you can go out and payoff debt. There are a couple of great low (or no) cost options that you can use as a starting point to find even more ways to stay entertained while paying down your debt.
Merging Lives, Merging Money
If you have met someone special and have been thinking about making a commitment or recently made a commitment to your sweetheart, be sure to check out Merging Lives, Merging Money over at Simple Guru. My wife and I have always used joint accounts but I found this discussion to be quite interesting.
Skipping EVEN MORE Nickels and Dimes for Bigger Savings
Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket has a post about saving even more nickels and dimes on a variety of items. There are some really interesting ideas here so be sure to check it out.
Enjoy the carnival!
Debts are a kind of nusience sometimes, aren’t they? It is something that remains always on your mind, and the worst being is to carry someone else’s burden of repaying debts. Nice read for the articles.
Debt can be a huge burden and that is why I am hoping to help provide tips and information to help others eliminate their debt.
Once my wife and I eliminated all consumer debt other than our mortgage, it was like a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders.
definitely so. What is irritating currently is that many financial institution are giving out ‘loans’ which are typically interest-free for so-and-so number of months to attract more people to fall under their debt.
I guess they understand and play on the fact that many people can only near, and not far into the future.
As a fresh http://www.mynewchoice.com user i just wanted to say hi to everyone else who uses this bbs 😀