Open A Bank Account With $1 Million Bill

What is the largest denomination of money that you have ever seen?
How about a $1 million dollar bill?
I’m sure we would all love to have one or two of those, unfortunately there is no such thing as a $1 million dollar bill. But that didn’t stop a Georgia man from trying to open a bank account using one.
The man walked into a Georgia bank and attempted to open an account with a $1 million dollar bill, which the teller obviously refused to accept.
The teller called the police while the man began to curse at bank workers. The man, Alexander D. Smith, was charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of forgery.
The aspect of this story that I find amazing is that if someone is skilled enough to create a phony piece of money you would think they would be smart enough to know that nobody is ever going to believe that a $1 million dollar bill is legitimate. Although I guess one could argue that if the person was that smart that they wouldn’t be creating the funny money in the first place.
I’ve got a couple of these bills lying around, I don’t know what the big deal is! 🙂
I prefer 1 million euro bills.
“The aspect of this story that I find amazing is that if someone is skilled enough to create a phony piece of money you would think they would be smart enough to know that nobody is ever going to believe that a $1 million dollar bill is legitimate.”
haha hilarious