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April 2007 – Page 2 – My New Choice

Monthly Archive: April 2007

Extension On Tax Deadline 0

Extension On Tax Deadline

When I arrived home from work earlier tonight, my shipment from Amazon containing my copy of TaxCut Premium had arrived. As sick and twisted as it might sound, I could not wait to install...

Win A Microsoft Zune 7

Win A Microsoft Zune

If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a Microsoft Zune but have just been too cheap to spend the money, you now have a chance to win a free Microsoft Zune courtesy of John Chow....

Could You Live On $1 Salary? 0

Could You Live On $1 Salary?

How extreme would you have to cut expenses to live on a salary of $1.00 per year? What about if you received a bonus of $1723 on top of that salary? Even the people...

Free Copy Of TaxCut Premium 0

Free Copy Of TaxCut Premium

Last week I posted about a free copy of TaxCut Premium that was up for grabs to my readers, courtesy of H&R Block. Either I am the only person left that has yet to...

Net Worth Update For March 3

Net Worth Update For March

As a means of tracking my progress towards my 2007 goals, I am going to be running this as an on-going series of posts. As a bit of background, here are the opening posts...