Thank You To Sponsors And Advertisers

As the month of April comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to give recognition and thanks to the sponsors and advertisers here at My New Choice.

Your assistance helps keep this site running and I just want to try and repay the favor with an additional shout-out for each of you.

Featured Sites
The following sites have been featured here for the entire month of April and I have to thank each of them for their generosity.

As a special thanks, I would like to make mention that H&R Block (IRS Forms) went a little above and beyond by offering my readers a free copy of TaxCut Premium.

There are still two text-only link positions available on my site so be sure to sign-up now. As a bonus, you can take advantage of $100 in FREE links to cover the cost of your text link.

Recent Additions
In the last week or so, there have been two new additions to the sponsors and advertisers and I’d like to thank them as well. One addition was IRA Rollover and the other advertiser has stepped up to the plate with a banner advertisement for The Thrifty Scot.

Thank you to all of you for your help and I sincerely hope that this shout-out provides you a little more value. If anyone would like to explore becoming a site sponsor or advertiser, please feel free to contact me to discuss advertising opportunities.

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