Save Time & Money With 57 Finance Resources

Whether you are an experienced investor or someone that is just starting out, you can spend a considerable amount of time tracking down information and educating yourself on various financial topics.

Rather than continue to hunt around the Interweb for all of that information, you might want to take a look at The Investor’s Toolset: 57 Must-Have Web Resources over at Ask The Advisor.

This list of resources is quite extensive and I have to admit that there were quite a few that I use on a regular basis. From information to help people just getting started to research tools for more seasoned investors, there are resources here that should appeal to everyone. As I read through the list of resources, I thought I would make note of a few that I find to be particularly beneficial:

  • MorningStar Classroom: Back in January, I wrote about the free investing courses and recommended them as a very valuable resource. Check them out if you haven’t already.
  • The Kirk Report: Quite honestly this is my absolute favorite investing site/blog as Charles Kirk provides a wealth of information to his readers. I would highly recommend that you add this site to your list of daily reading.
  • Motley Fool Forums: I’ve written a few times about how being a member at the Motley Fool helped me eliminate debt in my life. This site includes non-financial message boards but you will be hard-pressed to find a community with more knowledgeable and helpful people.
  • Stock Charts: This is a site that did not make the list but I wanted to recommend as an outstanding resource for stock charts and technical analysis. I’ve become more a technical trader and the charts and information at has been invaluable to me.

Take some time to review this list of financial resources and I am sure you will find numerous sites that will help you become more educated and lead to better success in your investing and money management. If you have a particular resource that is not included in the list, post a comment here so we can continue to build this list!
f you’re wasting your time trying to find all the information you need for investment strategies, learning more about how everything works, or if you just want to find things a little bit easier, here are 57 must-have resources to get you started.

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7 Responses

  1. Minimum Wage says:

    What good is education if you have no money to invest?

    • mnc says:

      If you take the time to educate yourself, you’ll know exactly what to do when you do have the money to invest.

      On top of that, lack of education could be one reason that there is no money to invest as improper money management often leads to no money.

      Thanks for the question.

  2. dave says:

    Stockcharts is indeed an awesome site. If you want to learn how to read stock charts, I’ve found is a good place to start. It’s free and explains things in simple terms.

    • mnc says:

      Dave, thanks for adding that additional site. I’d not seen that site before but it looks like they have some really good information.

  3. JCL says:

    check out this week’s Business Week mag, it features a review of a new kind of market aggregator that also has very fast access to message boards

    • mnc says:

      Interesting site, I’ll have to give that site a little time to poke around and look at all the features but that looks like it could save some time.

  1. April 8, 2007

    […] My New Choice, the financial blog of Derek Semmler, points us to some helpful financial resources. He also looks at why the heck some top executives request a very small salary, such as Eric […]

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