MBNA and Bank of America Snafu
For those that may have a credit card with MBNA and/or Bank of America, you likely experienced the updated interface to the website today. Unfortunately, it seems that there are still a handful of issues that are being worked out as the end result is less than ideal.
Upon logging in to the new site, I am presented with a screen that is much more cluttered than the interface I am used to with MBNA. In addition, much of the functionality is not working and there are multiple notes of service errors and that the requested information is unavailable.
While I can appreciate the issues involved with trying to merge the websites of two large institutions, I had been hoping for a little bit better transition. Right now I am anxiously waiting to ensure my scheduled payment goes through as planned, as it had been scheduled before their updates began.
Were you an MBNA account holder? I would love to hear feedback from others on their thoughts about the new interface and the transition to the new site. For those that were already with Bank of America, how have you found the transition? Is this the same interface that you had or has it been updated?
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